
Welcome to Courtney and Brent's Cameroon Blog. We will try to keep you updated with the daily events and adventures we experience during our stay in Cameroon. Please leave us comments and stay in touch!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Top twenty things we'll miss about Cameroon

20. Sleeping under mosquito nets

19. The 50 year old train

18. Eating lunch in the surgical wing in a wheelchair with medical supplies, ants, other med students, and a mouse

17. No traffic laws of any kind

16. Understanding every 5th word

15. Taxi motorcyles (motos)

14. Loud call to prayer/roosters/goats/screaming children at 5AM

13. Blaring african/middle eastern music till all hours of the night

12. Always having at least one major utility out

11. Sweating through scrubs three times a day

10. 75% of diet consisting of eggs

9. Food and drink for under $2

8. Omnipresent red dust

7. Bartering for everything

6. Plantains served as french fries

5. Adorable children chanting 'nassara'

4. Endless supply of mangos

3. The hospital

2. The spirit of the Cameroonian people

1. Jim and Carolyn Brown

1 comment:

  1. You have traveled half way around the world to a place that will always be remembered. You have stepped out in faith and with your faith have made a huge impact on many people. Just ask the boy that had been bitten by a snake. You have shared your journey to Cameroon and it has been so interesting.

    Courtney and Brent, you have only just begun. There's a whole life ahead with all it's ups and downs, challenges and successes. There is no doubt you have chosen a career that will change lives, perhaps no less than your lives have been changed.

    Thank you for the courage to volunteer, to help and serve others, and to save lives. Wow, what a wonderful life ahead.
